'use client' import ReactDom from 'react-dom' import { useEffect, useState } from 'react' type Props = { active: boolean setActive: React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<boolean>> children: string | JSX.Element | JSX.Element[]} export default function Drawer({ active, setActive, children }: Props) { const [isVisible, setIsVisible] = useState(false) const closeDrawer = () => { setIsVisible(false) setTimeout(() => { setActive(false) }, 300) } useEffect(() => { if (active) { setIsVisible(true) } }, [active]) if (!active) return null return ReactDom.createPortal( <div role="dialog" aria-modal="true" data-visible={isVisible ? 'true' : 'false'} onClick={closeDrawer} className="fixed left-0 group top-0 z-50 flex h-[100dvh] data-[visible=true]:opacity-100 data-[visible=true]:visible data-[visible=false]:opacity-0 data-[visible=false]:invisible w-screen items-start justify-start bg-overlay transition-all duration-300" > <div onClick={(e) => e.stopPropagation()} className="z-10 h-full w-[250px] group-data-[visible=true]:translate-x-0 group-data-[visible=false]:translate-x-[-250px] border-2 border-border dark:border-darkBorder bg-main font-base transition-transform duration-300" > {children} </div> </div>, document.getElementById('drawer') as HTMLElement, )}
You'll have to add <div id="drawer"></div> to your layout or index.html.
<div id="drawer"></div>
import { useState } from 'react' import Button from '@/components/Button'import Drawer from '@/components/Drawer'
const [isDrawerActive, setIsDrawerActive] = useState(false)
<> <Button onClick={() => { setIsDrawerActive(true) }} > Open Drawer </Button> <Drawer active={isDrawerActive} setActive={setIsDrawerActive}> <a className="block w-full text-text border-b-2 border-border dark:border-darkBorder bg-main px-5 py-4 hover:bg-mainAccent" href="#" > Item 1 </a> <a className="block w-full text-text border-b-2 border-border dark:border-darkBorder bg-main px-5 py-4 hover:bg-mainAccent" href="#" > Item 2 </a> <a className="block w-full text-text border-b-2 border-border dark:border-darkBorder bg-main px-5 py-4 hover:bg-mainAccent" href="#" > Item 3 </a> </Drawer></>